
Recent Yums

I recently had a realization that I can cook anything I want. I can pick up the ingredients, and make anything.

Not striking you as a monumental epiphany?  At this moment, I am wondering what was so amazing as well...

On the cusp of this mental bombshell, I have made two dishes that I had the wherewithall to photograph so that I could post.

Hoppin' John:
An old family recipe that my husband swears he can eat every week. I've tested this.

The next recipe has no name.  It is just something random I made from ingredients I had laying around the house.  I Muzzy'd my fridge.

Just thought I would share.

 Not the food. The pictures.


  1. Awesome Muzz reference. And you'll have to send me the recipe for your little triangles of happiness.

  2. Everything looks delicious! I've never seen Hoppin' John look so good!
